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Spandan Foot PTO-FL T (15T-28T)

The Spandan foot PTO-FL T (15T-28T) is a lightweight, cost-effective prosthetic foot designed for trans-tibial and trans-femoral amputees with moderate functional levels. Constructed from durable polyurethane with a wooden keel and cosmetic pigments, it offers enhanced longevity and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Suitable for entry-level ambulation, it is recommended for use with footwear.

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Description of Spandan Foot PTO-FL T (15T-28T)

  • Product Name: Spandan Foot PTO-FL T (15T-28T)
  • Manufacturer: PROACTIVE Technical Orthopaedics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Type: Polyurethane SACH (Solid Ankle Cushion Heel) Foot


  • Material: Made from durable Polyurethane with a wooden keel and pigments.
  • Cosmetic Appearance: Offers an aesthetically pleasing look that mimics a natural foot.
  • Lightweight: Designed to be light, ensuring ease of use and comfort.
  • Cost-Effective: Provides a budget-friendly option without compromising on quality.


  • Ideal for: Trans-tibial and trans-femoral amputees.
  • Functional Level: Best for individuals with moderate functional levels.
  • Ambulation: Suitable for entry-level ambulation.


  • Recommended With: Should be used with appropriate footwear for optimal performance.
  • Not Suitable For: Not recommended for amputees with higher functional levels who require more advanced mobility solutions.


  • Durability: Enhanced longevity due to high-quality materials.
  • Comfort: Solid ankle cushion heel design ensures comfort during use.
  • Aesthetic: Offers a realistic and pleasing appearance, contributing to user confidence.

Conclusion: The Spandan Foot PTO-FL T (15T-28T) is an excellent choice for entry-level ambulators looking for a durable, lightweight, and cost-effective prosthetic foot with a natural look.


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