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Advance Modular Prosthesis with Pneumatic Knee Joint & Carbon Foot

Advanced modular prosthesis featuring pneumatic knee joint and German-made carbon foot, equipped with suction valve, inner flexible outer carbon socket, foam cover, and cosmetic socks.

    • Suction Valve: Ensures secure attachment to the residual limb, enhancing stability and comfort.
    • Inner Flexible Outer Carbon Socket: Provides a lightweight and durable interface between the residual limb and the prosthesis, offering flexibility and strength.
    • Pneumatic Knee Joint: Incorporates advanced pneumatic technology for smooth, responsive knee movement, adapting to varying walking speeds and terrain.
    • Carbon Foot – German: High-performance carbon fiber foot designed in Germany, offering energy efficiency, durability, and a natural gait pattern.
    • Foam Cover & Cosmetic Socks: Enhances comfort and aesthetics with a foam cover that conforms to the contours of the prosthesis and cosmetic socks for a realistic appearance.

    The Advance Modular Prosthesis with Pneumatic Knee Joint & Carbon Foot by PROACTIVE Technical Orthopaedics Pvt. Ltd. combines cutting-edge components to provide users with exceptional mobility, comfort, and aesthetic satisfaction. Ideal for individuals seeking a reliable and advanced prosthetic solution that meets both functional and cosmetic needs.


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