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Manual locking with exchangeable extension assist spring mechanism (PTO-J03)

The Manual Locking with Exchangeable Extension Assist Spring Mechanism (PTO-J03) is a robust and versatile knee joint component designed for enhanced functionality in prosthetic applications. This knee joint features a manual locking mechanism combined with an exchangeable extension assist spring, providing users with adjustable support and secure locking.

Crafted from casting steel, this component is engineered to support a body weight limit of 100kg while maintaining a part weight of 590g. It adheres to export quality standards, ensuring both durability and reliability in demanding prosthetic setups.

SKU: PTO-J03 Category: Tag:


  • Designed for trans-femoral amputees
  • Suitable for individuals with moderate functional levels

Description: The Manual Locking with Exchangeable Extension Assist Spring Mechanism (PTO-J03) is a sophisticated knee joint component that enhances stability and control for trans-femoral amputees. It features a knee axis that connects the upper and lower joint sections using bushing and ball bearings, providing smooth movement and durability.

The adjustable lock mechanism securely holds the knee in full extension, while the lock cable allows for flexion. The self-acting lock engages at full extension with the assistance of the extension assist spring, ensuring reliable stability during the stance phase.

Technical Data:

  • Knee Flexion Range: Approximately 120 degrees
  • Height (Knee Axis Center to Upper Edge): 37mm
  • Stance Phase Stability: High
  • Swing Phase Control: None
  • Suitability: Not recommended for amputees with moderate to higher functional levels

Crafted from casting steel and adhering to export quality standards, this knee joint component supports a body weight limit of 100kg and has a part weight of 590g, providing robust performance and reliability for users within its recommended functional range.


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